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The EXPLORE SERIES is our signature Learning Experience programme that gives children the opportunity to learn about the world around them through food. We intentionally curate workshops, activity days and masterclasses that ignite euphoric learning moments.


A vibrant sensory learning experience for children.


These sessions are run throughout the school year and are particularly popular during Black History Month in October.

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​​The children are stimulated to learn in an Afro-Caribbean Market Exhibition where they go on a Food Journey. At the start of the journey, children are given a Food Passport in which they can log their learnings through the market.​​​








The learning experience has strong links with the National Curriculum for KS1 & KS2 Maths and Science and cross-curricular links with Geography and PSHE.


Explore: Africa & The Caribbean is a vibrant visual, auditory, kinaesthetic earning experience where children acquire knowledge about 4 main staple foods in Africa and The Caribbean (Rice, Yam, Plantain and Cassava).

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Benefits to schools:


Address Inclusion:

break boundaries between groups through food 


Food and Cooking:

build a bridge to cultural understanding

Promote an understanding that Black histories go

beyond stories of racism and slavery


Celebrate the diversity of the population in the UK

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