
Nice to see you

For general enquiries, reach out to our customer love team!​
Use the form below ​
:Monday – Friday
9am – 5pm
(excluding Bank Holidays)
General Enquiries

Have a question about
a recent order?
Email or call our team!
(Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm, excluding Bank Holidays)
Order Enquiries
Press Enquiries
Are you a journalist or have
press inquiries?
We'd love to hear from you!
Drop an email to our
press team at

Would you like to hear more about our classes or cooking parties?​
We'd love to hear from you!
Drop an email to our parties team at
Class & Party enquiries

How can we help you?
Pop your enquiry in the form below for help and support.
Got a question?

Mums, dads and teachers have cooked up their questions for us, so you might find the answer here first!
Sift through our FAQs—you might just find the recipe
you need!
We are chatty cheeses!

Join the conversation!
Drop by to ask a question or share your little one’s learning journey with us on
Instagram, YouTube, Facebook or TikTok!